July 17th, 2002 - Web Rings
Well... I finished that Kirby level and I fixed the two super mario levels for wurmz. I took away the light blue background and made it gray... that way you can actually see what's going on :P . I should have those three levels uploaded some time this week. I've been really busy getting ready for college... damn assessment test... either way, I'm finished with all that later today... so I should have more time for Liero stuff :D . The record section had been updated again. If you've checked recently, you'll have noticed the new wurmz part, with a whoping 1 battle. But now it's got more. Another new thing is the tags. In the record section, if you see a tag (ie "[TS]" for Terror Sabbath), it is now a link to the clan's home page. Just trying to make your lives easier :P . If you're looking for someone to fight a Wurmz! battle with, use an Instant Messenger service and get a hold of me! I'm always looking to add new victims opponents to my record section! Until next time, keep on keepin' on.
July 14th, 2002 - Web Rings
Ok, the web rings have been added. It took a bit of effort to make the BLR one presentable :P
July 12th, 2002 - New Site!
Welcome to the new and improved SPliero! I've been meaning to streach my web site deshing skill for a long time now... and I finally have. Still HTML, still the same simple style. But now no frames and a much nicer layout. I have to thank Durandal for the inspiration for this layout. If any of you ever saw the old nex7Center, then this style is probably very familiar. Ok, enough about the new look, I've added a new section - Wurmz! Yes... and guess what? I have three new maps available in that new section. All of which are based on old school NES games. I'm going to keep doing levels in this style for a while... it's fun! Right now I'm working on a Kirby level :D
To Blade and Sander - I forgot to add the webrings to my site. They'll be up shortly, just be patient :)
April 26th, 2002
More Worms 2 victims.
April 19th, 2002
Updated the record section. I've toasted quite a few people at Worms 2 lately.
April 14th, 2002
I added Worms 2 to my record section. SPliero is going to keep my records for any worms game that I play, I guess. Or... probably a better way to do it would be through what games TS will play. Speaking of which, it looks like Terror Sabbath will be expanding to the Worms games too. Cool.
April 1st, 2002
Man... I pissed a couple people off in TS today... that's what I get for making a lame ass April fools joke... geez... oh well. Added Liero Legacy to the links section.
News for February 2002
Arena 11 and 12 finished. Added a bunch of Liero sequals and clones to the links section.
News for February 2002
Joined the Liero top 20. Finished the first version of the SP Liero Guide.
News for January 2002
spnex7 integrated into spliero. All the nex7 stuff has been ported over here. Also added the record section. Joined Terror Sabbath.
News for December 2001
Fixed the downloads page. Added the record page and changed the scroll bar colors.
News for November 2001
Site reopened and redesigned. DHTML mouseover effect added. Bcentral counter added. Poison font created. Razor weapon pack created. Added the Terror Sabath Community Service (ComSer).
News for July 2001
Site closed. :(
News for June 2001
splevelpack1 completed
News for May 2001
DBZ wepon mod completed. Site closed to submitions, thus changing it into a personal site. "Social Poison" liero battle banner created. 40 weapon military mod completed.
News for April 2001
Site opened. Guestbook and first generation of levels added. DBZ weapon pack started. Site name changed from "Dark Knight Liero" to "Social Poison's Liero Page"